1st Alton Manor Scout Group has two Beaver Colonies, Deer Colony and Bear Colony.
Beavers are an enthusiastic and vibrant group of young children between the ages of 6 and 8 years and membership is open to both boys and girls.
The Beaver moto is ‘Fun and Friends’ and we undertake a varied and balanced programme and work towards challenge and activity badges. They get to know people, finding out about those in their family, the family of Scouting, the local community and the wider world. Beaver Scouts discover science, nature and technology, exploring the natural and man-made world.
Beaver Scouts meet once a week and wear a uniform consisting of a turquoise sweatshirt and Group Scarf.
We operate in accordance with school term times and meet on a Monday and Wednesday at The Alton Manor Community Centre.
The Bear Colony meet from 6pm until 7.15pm on Mondays nights.
Deer Colony meet 6:15pm – 7:30pm on a Wednesday evening.
If your children wish to join one of our colonies, then please contact:
Group Scout Leader: gsl@1staltonmanorscouts.org.uk
Beaver Scout badge placement diagram:
Please download copies of our information documents sent to parents and guardians of our Scouts.